Welcome to Simple Joy! Find all of our latest recipes here in the order they were published. Never miss a single recipe!
Salted Caramel Chocolate Mug Cake
This Salted Caramel Chocolate Mug Cake is your rich and delicious answer to a chocolate craving! When I started food blogging, I never realized how many times a week I would find myself at the grocery store. Even with being, what I have been told is, the luckiest woman alive and having my husband doing…
Samoa Cake
This Samoa Cake is the perfect combination of chocolate, caramel, and coconut. Moist, delicious, and perfectly rich! So, you know how sometimes on Facebook you can see what your friends post on their other friends’ walls? Have you ever gotten sucked into the Facebook hole where you then click on the friend of the friend’s…
Tagalong Cookie Dough Dip
This Tagalong Cookie Dough Dip is that amazing chocolate and peanut butter Girl Scout cookie, broken down into cookie dough dip form! Grab a spoon and join me, will you? We have a running joke in our house that Quinn is a better mom than I am. It’s been going on for a reeeeeeeally long…
Green Velvet Sugar Cookie Bars
These Green Velvet Sugar Cookie Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting have have the amazing red velvet taste mixed with sugar cookie and could not be easier! I said to a mom friend the other day . . . I never realized before I became a mom how hard and gross it would be to take…
Samoa Latte
This Samoa Latte is your favorite Girl Scout cookie in latte form! Ummm, you’re welcome. This past weekend Gavin and Nathan went on a Boy Scout campout, leaving me home with the two little girls. And I got a record amount of work done. Seriously. A big round up post for Nikki, and six recipes…
Greek Stuffed Chicken
This Greek Stuffed Chicken is a fancy dinner that comes together easily! It is jam packed with flavor! Thank you Sargento for inspiring and sponsoring this amazing and delicious dinner! So. I can say with absolute certainty now that I am NOT cut out for a cooking competition show, ala Chopped. My assignment for this…
Lighter Shamrock Shake
This Lighter Shamrock Shake is a much lighter way to enjoy this fun treat! If you love a Shamrock Shake but don’t love all the calories it brings to your life, meet this easy alternative. In it, we are swapping the ice cream out for bananas. We still get that rich and creamy mint taste…
Thin Mint Frosting
This Thin Mint Frosting is your favorite Girl Scout Cookie in frosting form! You’re going to want a spoon. For whatever reason, moms want fat babies. Is it pride? Like, “Hey look! Not only am I keeping her alive, I’m keeping her FAT.” Moms want to chew on fat thighs, talk about baby kankles, and…
Blood Orange Margaritas
These Blood Orange Margaritas are the perfect combo of sweet, tart, and gorgeous! The other day I got a comment from a reader that pretty much made my whole week. I can’t stop thinking about it. Hi Lisa, I just wanted you to know that I stop by your blog daily and I have since…
Bacon and Eggs Biscuit Breakfast Panini
This Bacon and Eggs Biscuit Breakfast Panini is FOUR ingredients, and and all but the last two steps can be done ahead of time making it a fast breakfast! You guys. I discovered Alias on Hulu. And I am devouring it. When I say I discovered Alias on Hulu, I mean that I sincerely considered…
Salted Caramel Sugar Cookies
These Salted Caramel Sugar Cookies are AMAZING! Melt in your mouth delicious! I don’t think I’ve ever talked about it before, but Gavin is essentially me in the body of a seven year old boy. We’re like the same person. Which can be awesome at times. I mean, I can’t even tell you the times we’ve…
Dinosaur Valentine
A cute Dinosaur Valentine that comes complete with a funny joke! What more could you ask for? Sometimes there is nothing better than kid jokes. Except when you turn them into Valentine’s the that you can print at home. Why don’t sharks eat clowns? They taste funny. It’s okay, Nathan didn’t laugh either. But Gavin…