To be honest, I have no idea where the idea to start a blog came from. I know that it involved planning my son’s birthday party, dreamsicles (more on that to come), and lunch with my cousin. The end result was this blog, Wine and Glue (so fitting that the start of this blog came from sipping cocktails and talking crafts). My hope is that it is a lot of sass, and a little bit of everything else – projects with my kiddos, baked goods, goofy crafts, and delicious things I make for dinner. More than anything else, this is for my own fun. I LOVE making crafty shit (which was a proposed title for this blog), and I have a borderline narcissistic personality. So really, this should be perfect.
updated: 08/08/19
Drunk Love Poet says
abockheim says
Ha! Perfect start. Love it.
abockheim says
Also, Cake Balls.
Melissa says
Love it!
Jane Graff says
You’re a rock star!
No Bananas? says
Man, I was really voting for Cake Balls, but I think Wine and Glue does have a nice ring. Here’s to some crafty mothas!