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Wine & Glue is now Simple Joy!


posted: 10/31/20

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This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy

Today is a HUGE day! Today we are announcing:

Wine & Glue is Rebranding to Simple Joy!

We could not be more excited to share this news with you, news that has been more than a year in the making.

woman standing under a shower of pink and purple confetti with her arms out

Most important thing you need to know: There is nothing you need to do differently.

  • If you are signed up for my mailing list, you are still signed up. (Not signed up, but want to be? Click here.)
  • If you follow along on Facebook, you will still see me pop up in your feed.
  • If you follow along on Instagram, we are still friends! (Hey! If you make my recipes, take a photo and tag me on Instagram with @lisasimplejoy and #simplejoyrecipes.)


If you have saved any of my recipes, the link to them will still work. Every recipe from Wine & Glue has been redirected to it’s appropriate spot on Simple Joy.

We hope that you find this new site easy to navigate and enjoyable to cook from.

woman sitting cross legged on the floor holding balloons that spell out JOY

How Rebranding Came to Be

In the spring of 2019 I was talking with a family friend. She asked me the name of my blog, and when I told her “Wine & Glue,” she could hear the dissatisfaction in my voice.

She had worked in editing for years and said:

I just don’t understand why you would put your life’s work under a name you don’t love.

This hit me like a ton of bricks.

She went on to say that as an editor she had worked with writers who had republished works under new names. There shouldn’t be this feeling that you are tied to a title you don’t love.

I couldn’t shake what she was saying, and my wheels started turning.

Simple Joy’s Story

I began to think a lot about why I do this. What is it about making recipes for you that I love so much? What makes this the greatest job in the world?

The answer was this:

Food is more than just nourishment of the body, it’s nourishment of the soul. Food is a way to care for those dearest to you, and show your love.

Lisa Balloons

My paternal grandmother was an amazing cook. I believe a huge part of why her food tasted great was the love she put into it. She got so much joy from creating recipes and feeding those she loved. You could see it in her face and feel it being around her.

And then she passed that down to my mom. In marrying my dad, my mom got an Italian mother in law who not only taught her to cook, but made her fall in love with it.

In turn I grew up in a home where cooking was an expression of love. The kitchen was the heart of our home. I came home to windows steamed up from dinner simmering. I snuck scraps of pie dough and helped top homemade pizza. And I sat down to family dinners that were cooked with tremendous love.

Picking a New Name

While in the process of mulling all this over, I went for a walk with a friend. During our walk, my friend told me about a dinner that she made. Her voice was full of pride. Though she isn’t someone that loves cooking or does it often, being able to make this meal made her so happy.

It was after that conversation with her that the name “Simple Joy” came to me in a dream.


It encapsulates my philosophy of cooking so perfectly!

And who couldn’t use a little more joy . . . especially now.

Simple Joy

Cooking dinner doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. It can be really simple! You can create a delicious meal that you feel great about feeding your family. You can sit down with them and feel joy in feeding those you love.

a woman blowing pink and purple confetti at the camera

What You will Find on Simple Joy

Under this amazing new name, I will strive to create some Simple Joy in your lives.

  • You’ll continue to find tried and tested recipes you can depend on.
  • We will give you dinner ideas that minimize stress and maximize taste.
  • And we will bring you tips, tricks, and ideas to help you fall in love with your kitchen.

Thank you!!

Lastly, I want to say thank you. Thank you to all of you who have been following along with me and are taking this big giant step with me. You have no idea how much your support means to me. Thank you for allowing me to do something that brings me so much joy.

Thank you to my incredible graphic designer who brought my vision of Simple Joy to life. Melissa, you are an absolute rock star.

Thank you to my friends who have been listening to me talk about this for what feels like a million years. You have been cheering me on since this was just a what if, and I wouldn’t be able to make this leap without you.

Finally, thank you to my incredible husband. At the start of this you were cheering me on and at the end of it you are in the arena with me, coding this whole gorgeous site. You are incredible, Nathan.

man kissing a woman on a bench, she's holding a bouquet of balloons

Hi! I'm Lisa Longley, and I am committed to giving you simple dinner ideas and recipes that are easy to make; recipes that will fill your home with joy. I am the owner and author of SimpleJoy.com and I'm so glad that you are here.

Reader Interactions


    Have a question? Use the form below to submit your question or comment. I love hearing from you & seeing what you made!

  1. Kathy Spanfellner says

    I love your new name! You have great recipes that I always look forward to reading and making, giving me simple joy!

    • Lisa Longley says

      Aw, thank you so much Kathy!

  2. Barbara says

    hi Lisa – Congratulations on your new name and the happiness you have found with it! I found your website one day looking for something to cook for dinner – and that was the best day of my kitchen! My husband wanted me to tell you the one thing he was glad i found – your pie crust! (he has such a sweet tooth). I have too many favorites to list.

    But, one teeny tiny question is it possible that might list some vegetarian recipes (but easy)?
    Keep up your love in Simply Joy!

    • Lisa Longley says

      Barbara, this recipe made me smile SO MUCH! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave it. Yes! I definitely need to add more vegetarian recipes. Agreed. I do have a small section, and I will add it to the header menu now. Here it is for your reference: Vegetarian Recipes.

  3. Cristina S says

    Congratulations!! I loved reading your story about the joy you get from cooking and the love you put into it. I was raised learning to cook from my mom. I really enjoy cooking and pour my love into our meals and think they taste better because of it too!!

    Thanks for all the inspiration!!

    • Lisa Longley says

      Thank you so much Cristina!

  4. Grace Dovalina says

    Thank you so much for teaching me cooking doesn’t have to be a chore. I’m 68 and just now daring to learn to be a better cook.

    • Lisa Longley says

      Oh thank you, Grace! I can’t tell you how much comments like this mean to me.

  5. Tina says

    Can’t wait to get started. Ideas look great!

Broccoli Pasta"Omg! I didn’t think anything so simple could be so good!"
overhead of skillet of Cajun Shrimp Pasta ingredients on a cooling rack with toasted bread sitting beside
Cajun Shrimp Pasta"My family absolutely loved this recipe. Even my finicky eaters."
overhead photo of a gray skillet filled with beef and broccoli recipe, garnished with sliced green onions
Beef and Broccoli Recipe"I have made this a couple or more times. It’s easy & quick to prepare. I like this for a quick meal. It will be my go to recipe."


5 Secrets to Stress Free Dinners



5 Secrets to Stress Free Dinners